Are you dealing with complex change in your organization? With many people involved? Who have conflicting interests? While you need consensus? Better teamwork by management? A more proactive staff?

YELLOW provides an unusual analysis of possibilities and obstacles, gives you creative ideas for interventions that work, and will coordinate successful implementation.

“People, no matter their position in an organization, just want to do what they are good at and be appreciated for it. Mail room, board room, any room.”

The Secret to Your Success?

People want to be of value to others. It gives us deep satisfaction to put our talents to use toward a shared goal. We bloom and perform when we feel connected, seen and valued. The moment we work as a team for a higher purpose and are appreciated for our gifts, any project takes flight. As you have surely experienced in your own career with the projects you loved.


Call on YELLOW when you face a high pressure, high leverage change – such as a merger, restructuring of your organization or a cultural transition. Or tensions in or between teams. Expertise:

Change Management

Co-creating (behavioral) change

Change in sensitive settings

Navigating uncertainty


Leadership development

Team work

(Executive) coaching


YELLOW change



